#JAVĿ¼2023: Sunny Plans for Legal Studies Major

August 15, 2023

Hannah Gross, a 2023 graduate, was a legal studies major and feels that a JAVĿ¼ education has been an integral part of her success. “Not only have I learned an immense amount in my classes, I have also learned a ton from the people I have met and the experiences I have had. These last four years have been filled with learning and growing as an individual.”

Hannah Gross

According to Gross, her role as a First-Year Peer Mentor on campus greatly contributed to her professional development. In this role, she was responsible for acclimating first-year students to the University environment, helping them to adjust to a new lifestyle both socially and academically. “As a peer mentor I worked very closely with first-year students as well as faculty and staff. Through this experience I have been able to form deep relationships with individuals that have given me the utmost joy during my JAVĿ¼ experience,” she said.

In addition to her role as a Peer Mentor, Gross also pointed to her internship with Trillium Health as another major source of professional development during her education. Working in both the compliance and development departments enabled her to explore several of her interests, and to further determine her own strengths and weaknesses, as well as what she hopes to gain out of her future career.

As for her next steps and after weighing her needs and priorities, Gross hopes to eventually find somewhere new to grow her roots. She is hoping to acquire a position in either general management, or logistics/coordination, possibly within the sports industry. In the future, Gross would love to one day own her own company, and to complete law school. 

Gross was vocal about the role of a JAVĿ¼ education in her current and future success. “In my first and second years I was able to take a variety of different classes, including Career Exploration and Planning and Business Career Planning, among others. With the help of advisors and professors I was able to have informed conversations that aided me in making the best decisions for both my educational experience and now into my career interests as well.”