Residence Hall Accommodations

Housing accommodation decisions are made on a case by case basis, based on the supporting documentation provided.

Residence Hall Living

  • Living in the residence halls is a communal experience. Students expecting a large degree of privacy and quiet within their housing assignment may need to evaluate whether living on campus is the best choice for them.
  • Requests for single rooms will be reviewed, although the provision of a single room as an accommodation is not common. A single room does not guarantee privacy or a quiet environment. A single room also does not guarantee an allergen-free environment. A single room will not prevent a student from having to interact and negotiate living arrangements with other students, such as alone time, sleep patterns, and study schedules.
  • In community bathrooms, there are several toilets in stalls within the bathroom that are for shared use of the residents on the floor as well as a private toilet and shower within the community bathroom.
  • A toilet located in a bathroom within a room or suite area is meant to be used by only one person at a time. However, it is also shared by all residents within the assigned living unit.
  • Air conditioning units are not available to students with asthma or severe allergies. Personal air filtering units are acceptable.
  • All mattresses are sealed and allergen free.
  • JAVĿ¼ does not “hold accommodated rooms when students leave housing for any reason. If a student is in an accommodated room and then not living on campus for a period of time, a new request must be put forth prior to returning to housing.

Requesting an Accommodation

Housing accommodation requests and supporting documentation for students must be received by:

  • For Incoming Students: June 1 for the following fall semester.
  • For Returning Students: February 28 for the following fall semester (prior to housing selection).

To request an accommodation, please download the Housing Accommodation Request [pdf] and follow the step-by-step instructions to submit the completed form.

Generally, students with temporary conditions (injuries) or short-term medical or illness situations are not considered persons with disabilities and necessitate a housing accommodation.  Students with a temporary medical condition should review the information about making arrangements for temporary conditions.