Lavery Library Authors Event Highlights Faculty Members “Fresh Ink”

November 1, 2023

Four JAVĿ¼ faculty members will share insights and summaries of their recently published books during Fresh Ink, scheduled to be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 15, in the lower level of Lavery Library.

Sponsored by Lavery Library, Fresh Ink is a forum for authors to share more about their books and subject matter expertise. Refreshments will be served.

Dr. Emily Dane-Staples will discuss her book, The Sport Management Educator: Strategies for Teaching. Dane-Staples draws on her years of experience, as well as the expertise of fellow educators and a compilation of resources, to help current and future sport management instructors become more effective educators. Beginning with fundamentals of brain-based learning, her book offers educational concepts, insights, and strategies for all aspects of teaching—including course design, enhanced instructional planning and skills, classroom management and assessment, and student engagement.

Dr. Kristen Driskill, associate professor of inclusive education in the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education, will discuss her book, The Mentor Teacher Blueprint: Building Effective Clinical Practice Through School-University Partnerships.

Published by Teachers College Press, the book is designed to be read and applied immediately, helping teacher preparation programs and schools work together to best prepare preservice teachers. These partnerships are accomplished by clearly describing the roles and responsibilities of both groups of stakeholders, specifically with a focus on the preparation of the mentor teacher. Driskill outlines ways for schools and teacher preparation programs to collaboratively choose, train, and support mentor teachers, along with suggestions for connecting P–12 and higher education faculty more regularly. She also provides a replicable blueprint that has been put into practice and found to be effective. School districts and teacher preparation programs can use the blueprint to reform clinical practice, which ultimately puts more highly qualified teachers in more classrooms.

Why are some work partnerships exceptional while most are not? How can we establish and sustain an enhanced level of cohesion, connection, coordination, and collaboration in the most important work relationship, the one between a manager and team? What could remedy the high levels of isolation and anxiety so many feel at work these days? In his new book, Dr. Timothy Franz, professor and chair of psychology, provides answers to these questions and more. Co-written with Dr. Seth Silver, Meaningful Partnership at Work: How the Workplace Covenant Ensures Mutual Accountability and Success between Leaders and Teams explores the concept of ‘meaningful partnership’ in the workplace.

Silver and Franz present meaningful partnership as a mindset where both leaders and their teams are fully committed to ensuring the support and success of the other. Then, they describe a model called ERTAP—Empathy, Respect, Trust, Alignment, and Partnership— as the foundation for meaningful partnership. Finally, they detail a practical yet transformative relationship-building process that improves work relationships.  

Dr. Rob Rice, professor and chair of the mental health counseling program in the Wegmans School of Nursing, will discuss his book, Video Games in Psychotherapy. The book provides readers with a practical session-by-session framework for using video games, interactive media, and gaming metaphors to help make the process of psychotherapy more engaging for today’s youth. Providing the reader with useful templates, worksheets, and other therapy resources, this book is a must-have for mental health providers working with children, adolescents, and transition-age youth.